Rockstar Recruiting Group Blog

Is Your Recruiting Process Hindering Top Candidate Hiring?

Written by Rockstar Recruiting | Sep 16, 2022 4:53:23 PM

Skilled Trades People (Mechanics, Millwrights, HVAC Techs, etc.) are in high demand and for a variety of reasons, there are more jobs than there are candidates. For example, when it comes to Automotive/Diesel Technicians there are more people retiring from the trade than getting into it and demand has increased, there is a nice infographic here explaining it.

Companies do not have the luxury of long drawn-out hiring procedures. When candidates are in high demand you have to move quickly to have any chance at all of hiring them, it is important to look at your hiring process to ensure you do not have extra steps that are slowing you down, key things to look at are:

Time to Interview

When you have a candidate that has expressed interest (applied for a job or a recruiter submitted them to you, you have to move fast)

  • Contact the candidate within 24 hours to Schedule an Interview
  • When Possible Schedule that interview for the same week

Number Of Interviews

When possible limit your interview process to 1 interview. If you need them to meet with more than one person make sure everyone they need to meet with is available at the same time or at the very least same day. More often than not these candidates are working and need to take time off work to meet with you, if they have to take multiple days off just to interview they may drop out of the process. Also, by the time you are bringing them in for a second interview, they may have offers on the table from companies that only required one interview.

Conditional Offers

Too many companies wait until pre-hire checks are completed before sending out an offer. Criminal background checks, drug screens, etc. can delay the process and during that delay, they may get scooped up elsewhere. We are not recommending skipping pre-hire checks, instead, make a job offer conditional on successful pre-hire checks. Many candidates once they have signed an offer will stop searching for other opportunities.

Cut out any unnecessary steps

Every step in your process is another place where a candidate may fall off. The more direct your process is the less chance this happens. Look at the requirements in your current hiring process and ask if they are all 100% necessary. If you are currently requiring personality assessments, handwriting analysis, or anything else along these lines you may have more success if you scrap these.

Streamlining your hiring process can greatly improve your chances of hiring. Especially with Skilled Tradespeople who typically like to move fast, this can be important. At Rockstar we have seen many situations where the first company to offer a technician a job is the one they go with. Sometimes the best offer is the one that comes quickly.

If you need help finding top-level Mechanics, HVAC Professionals (Technicians, Installers, Dispatchers), Millwrights, Parts-People, or related Management Positions the Rockstar Recruiting Group is your best bet. We have helped 100’s of companies throughout North America hire for their hardest-to-fill positions. We work fast and provide guarantee backed results. Call us at 1-833-937-3546 or reach out at for more information.