When interviewing a HVAC Technician you need to find out about their:
- Technical Ability
- Attitude
- Customer Service Skills
- Safety
Use to below questions when Recruiting HVAC Technicians to get the best results. They are not office workers so don't use standard interview questions that are geared towards someone in an office. I have broken the interview questions into 3 categories:
- General Questions
- Behavioral/Situational Questions
- Technical Questions
It is important to have a mix of all three types of questions but also don't ask them all grouped together, mix them up within the interview. At the very end I will include a template you can use that is designed with the flow of the interview in mind.
General Questions
1. Why did you get into the trade?
This is an interesting question that can give you a lot of insight about their motivations and interests. It is also a good one to start the interview with to get the conversation started.
2. Why are you available or looking at new opportunities?
Did they just get fired, do they hate their boss, do they need more money, a different shift, closer to home etc. Their motivations for making a move are important and can be a good indication if they will be a long term fit with you.
3. What do you know about our company?
Did they do some research on you prior to interviewing? If so that is a good sign that they are serious. If not it is an indication that they just need a job and may not care who it is with.
4. Why do you want to work with us?
This gives you a good idea of not only their motivations but what your selling features are to other mechanics for future interviews.
5. What in your previous experience and/or training makes you feel you would be a good fit for us?
6. What are your wage expectations?
7. What shifts are you available for and what is your preferred shift?
8. If selected, when are you available to start?
If they are currently working you want them to say 2 weeks, if they say immediately that likely means they are not going to give their company notice which is a red flag. It may also just mean they know their company has a policy of not accepting notice and they could be available immediately.
9. Why did you leave your previous employers?
If they have routinely been terminated that is a red flag, if the same issue keeps coming up at multiple places that could also be a cause for concern.
10. Have you Ever Been Terminated From a Position Before?
11. Can you supply us with references?
Ask them to e-mail them to you, this will give you an example of their written communication and ability to follow direction. You can also see how serious they are about the job based on how quickly they get the references to you.
12. Do you have a valid driver's license?
13. Do you have a clean driving record?
14. Is there anything that was not covered on your resume or in this interview that you feel we need to know?
Behavioral and Situational Based Questions
1. Tell me about a situation where you sacrificed safety for speed.
Don't ask, have you ever sacrificed safety for speed, they will almost always say no, assume they have and see what they say.
2. Tell me about your favorite supervisor or manager that you have worked for, what made them great?
This will give you a good idea of what management style they respond best to, does this match up with your shops supervisor?
3. Tell me about a disagreement between you and another technician on the shop floor, how was it resolved?
4. You are working on a customer site and are late for the job. The reason you are late is not your fault but the customer is irate, how do you deal with them?
5. A Customer is angry about a bill, how do you deal with them?
6. Tell me about a time that you took ownership of a situation or took the lead on the floor without being asked to.
7. A customer job is taking longer than it should and you have somewhere that you need to be, what do you do?
8. What is one safety violation that you see happening often?
9. What can be done to ensure that this violation no longer happens?
10. What safety rule/procedure that is currently in place do you feel is unnecessary?
11. Are there any additional policies, procedures or rules that you think need to be put in place at your current employer to help improve safety?
Technical Questions
If possible have a technical person with you for the interview, they can ask probing questions and get a good understanding if the person knows what they are talking about or not.
1. What types/brands/models of HVAC equipment do you have experience with? i.e. What Air Conditioner brands, what size units etc.
2. What types of repairs and maintenance do you have experience with? What type of repair do you specialize on?
3. What are your favorite jobs to do?
4. What are your least favorite jobs to do?
5. What Certification do you have and is it up to date?
Sample Interview
As mentioned above you want to have the interview flow and be a mix of general, behavioral and technical questions. Start with some really easy questions, keep in mind the interviewee is going to be nervous so you want a couple that they can answer easily. This will get them talking and more comfortable.
Feel free to use the below for your next HVAC Technician interview. If you are having a hard time finding HVAC Technicians please see our article titled "How to Hire HVAC Technicians".
Or Contact Us to Get the Search for ROCKSTAR HVAC Technicians started.
1. Why did you get into the trade?
2. Why are you available or looking at new opportunities?
3. What types/brands/models of Equipment do you have experience working on?
4. What types of repairs and maintenance do you have experience with? What type of repair do you specialize on?
5. Tell me about your favorite supervisor or manager that you have worked for, what made them great?
6. What do you know about our company?
7. Why do you want to work with us?
8. Why did you leave your previous employers?
9. Have you ever been terminated from a position?
10. What are your favorite jobs to do?
11. What are your least favorite jobs to do?
12. Tell me about a disagreement between you and another mechanic on the shop floor, how was it resolved?
13. You are working on a customer site and are late for the job. The reason you are late is not your fault but the customer is irate, how do you deal with them.
14. A Customer is angry about a bill, how do you deal with them?
15. What is one safety violation that you see happens often?
16. What can be done to ensure that this violation no longer happens?
17. Tell me about a time that you took ownership of a situation or took the lead on the floor without being asked to.
18. A customer job is taking longer than it should and you have somewhere that you need to be, what do you do?
19. Tell me about a situation where you sacrificed safety for speed.
20. What safety rule/procedure that is currently in place do you feel is unnecessary?
21. Are there any additional policies, procedures or rules that you think need to be put in place at your current employer to help improve safety?
22. What Certifications Do you Have and are they valid/up to date?
23. Do you have a valid drivers License?
24. Do you have a clean driving record?
25. What in your previous experience and/or training makes you feel you would be a good fit for us?
26. What are your wage expectations?
27. What shifts are you available for and what is your preferred shift?
28. If selected, when are you available to start?
29. Can you supply us with references?
30. Is there anything that was not covered on your resume or in this interview that you feel we need to know?