27 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO ASK A Fire Protection Specialist
When hiring a fire protection specialist, a well-conducted interview is essential to finding the right candidate. Recruiting skilled technicians can be challenging, but once they are in the interview, asking the right questions is crucial. It not only helps assess their expertise but also demonstrates your preparedness, knowledge, and the appeal of your company as an employer.
Avoid generic office-related questions such as "How do you handle confidential information?" or "How many words per minute can you type?" Also, steer clear of abstract questions like "If you were a color, what color would you be?"
To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, I’ve categorized the interview questions into three types:
- General Questions
- Behavioral/Situational Questions
- Technical Questions
Using a mix of these question types throughout the interview will help you get a well-rounded view of the candidate. At the end of this guide, you'll find a template designed to facilitate a smooth interview process. While these questions are tailored for fire protection specialists, they are broadly applicable to most professionals in the field.
General Questions
Why did you choose this trade?
This question reveals the candidate's motivations. Passionate responses often include personal stories, like "I enjoyed taking things apart and fixing them" or "My father was a fire protection specialist, and I loved working with him." A focus on financial gain might not be a red flag, but it could indicate a stronger motivation for financial reasons. -
Why are you seeking new opportunities?
Understanding their reasons—whether it's dissatisfaction with their current job, seeking better pay, or looking for a more suitable shift—can provide insight into their long-term fit with your team. -
What do you know about our company?
A candidate’s knowledge about your company indicates their genuine interest. Lack of preparation might suggest they’re simply looking for any job. -
Why do you want to work with us?
This question helps you understand their motivations and can reveal what aspects of your company appeal to them. -
What in your previous experience or training makes you a good fit for us?
What are your salary expectations?
What shifts are you available for and what is your preferred shift?
Only relevant if you offer multiple shifts. -
If selected, when would you be available to start?
A response indicating a need for two weeks' notice is ideal. Immediate availability might suggest a lack of notice to their current employer, which could be a concern. -
Why did you leave your previous positions?
Frequent terminations or recurring issues could be red flags. -
Can you provide references?
Request references via email to gauge their responsiveness and seriousness about the position. -
Is there anything on your resume or not covered in this interview that we should know?
Behavioral/Situational Questions
Describe a situation where you prioritized speed over safety.
This question aims to understand how they handle such scenarios, assuming they have faced this dilemma. -
Tell me about your favorite supervisor or manager. What made them effective?
This reveals which management styles they thrive under and if they align with your supervisory approach. -
Describe a disagreement with a fellow technician and how it was resolved.
Would you prefer to work a day on the floor for overtime pay or spend a day in technical training at regular pay?
How important is training to them? If it’s a high priority, it probably shows a deep passion for the field. While accepting a higher salary isn’t necessarily a warning sign, it might indicate they could be more tempted to leave your company for better financial opportunities down the road. -
Would you rather earn more working on something you dislike or less on something you enjoy?
Tell me about a time you took initiative or leadership on the floor without being asked.
How do you feel about borrowing or lending tools to other technicians?
This issue often arises in a workshop. It can be frustrating when technicians frequently borrow tools, but it's equally problematic when they're unwilling to lend tools when needed. Ideally, the solution should be: "If I need to borrow a tool more than once, I'll just buy one for myself."
Technical Questions
If possible, have a technical expert—like a Service Manager or lead technician—conduct the technical portion of the interview to gauge the candidate’s technical knowledge accurately.
What types, brands, or models of equipment are you experienced with?
What types of repairs and maintenance are you familiar with? Do you specialize in any particular area?
What types of jobs do you enjoy the most?
What types of jobs do you enjoy the least?
What diagnostic tools are you proficient in using?
In your most recent role, what types of jobs were you most frequently assigned?
This reflects how much confidence their manager had in their technical skills. Being assigned preventative maintenance tasks suggested they weren't seen as highly skilled. On the other hand, if they were given complex work, it likely meant they were regarded as one of the top technicians in the shop. -
Do you have experience working in the field? Do you enjoy it?
What experience do you have with in-depth repairs?
Do you have a complete toolset?
They should estimate the value of their tools. A well-equipped technician typically has tools worth at least $10,000. Entry-level positions may require fewer tools, but a skilled technician should have a broad range.
Sample Interview Questions
Start with some easy questions to help the candidate relax and build confidence. Here’s a sample list of questions for your next interview:
- Why did you choose this trade?
- Why are you seeking new opportunities?
- What types, brands, or models of equipment are you experienced with?
- What types of repairs and maintenance are you familiar with?
- Tell me about your favorite supervisor or manager.
- What do you know about our company?
- Why do you want to work with us?
- Why did you leave your previous positions?
- What types of jobs do you enjoy the most?
- What types of jobs do you enjoy the least?
- Describe a disagreement with a fellow technician and how it was resolved.
- Would you prefer overtime pay for floor work or regular pay for training?
- What diagnostic tools are you proficient in using?
- In your most recent role, what types of jobs were you most frequently assigned?
- Describe a situation where you prioritized speed over safety.
- Do you have experience working in the field? Do you enjoy it?
- Tell me about a time you took initiative or leadership without being asked.
- How do you feel about borrowing or lending tools to other technicians?
- Do you have a complete toolset?
- What experience do you have with in-depth repairs?
- Would you rather earn more for work you dislike or less for work you enjoy?
- What in your previous experience or training makes you a good fit for us?
- What are your salary expectations?
- What shifts are you available for and what is your preferred shift?
- If selected, when would you be available to start?
- Can you provide references?
- Is there anything on your resume or not covered in this interview that we should know?
For urgent recruitment needs, contact Rockstar Fire at 1-833-937-3546 to get started on finding the right fire protection specialist for your team.
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