- Relocations (Finding good candidates from across the country for your opportunity)
- Passive Candidates
- Interview Tips
- Industry Info
- Negotiating Offers
- Proactive Searches
1. Confidential Searches
If you have a tech that is not working out but you also can’t afford to let them go without hiring a replacement, this is where a recruiter can shine. If you post a job ad online that can be a sign for the techs you have that one is about to be replaced. This can cause a lot of stress in the shop and you may even have your good techs fearing for their job and looking for a new job because they are afraid they are about to be terminated.
A recruiter can confidentially search for a replacement while you still employ that underperforming tech. This is really helpful if you are replacing a tech with a bad attitude who has a good skill set, or even for techs with a limited skill set.
2. Relocations
It is incredibly difficult to find a candidate that lives on the other side of the country for your job. Your job ad will be posted locally and unless someone is specifically looking to move to your area they will never see your ad. Recruiters have a network of candidates across the country, we can get the message out far and wide. You would be surprised how often we can find a tech that has family in an area or always wanted to move to an area but had never been given the opportunity.
3. Passive Candidates
This is the real reason to use a recruiter. The best candidates are happily employed, they are not hanging out on job boards searching for new jobs. Recruiters spend most of their day talking to these types of techs letting them know what is available. A lot of times a tech had no idea they were looking for a new job until a better opportunity is presented.
4. Interview Tips
The interview is a two-way street, techs are in high demand and they are interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them. We can give you tips and best practices to ensure your company stands out amongst the competition. This is often tailored advice based on what the candidate has told us they are looking for. If an interview is like a test, a recruiter can turn it from a final exam into an open book quiz. If you need expert advice on how to ace the interview, check out our other blogs.
5. Industry Info
Ever want to know how your company stacks up against the competition? A recruiter can help with an informal salary survey as well as what other companies are doing to stick out. We talk to techs all day and know what it is they are looking for and what they are expecting. There are often little, inexpensive things that you can do to become more attractive to technicians.
6. Negotiating Offers
Negotiating out an offer with a prospective employee can be an awkward process. Neither wants to leave anything on the table or feel like they have lost. The problem is that an intense negotiation can often leave one party with a bad taste in their mouth. You do not want a technician starting with you thinking you tried to get the better of them. Let us do the negotiating for you; a recruiter can be the 'bad guy' or at least the in-between so that your relationship can start off on the right foot.
7. Pro-Active Searches
A good recruiter who knows your business will also know the types of candidates that you are looking for and who will fit in well with your shop. When those techs come available we can let you know about them immediately even if you are not currently looking. Most shops can make room for a Rockstar if they fall into their laps and we can make sure you never miss them. The good techs rarely come available, don’t miss out when they do.
A recruiter’s bread and butter is working job orders, you give us the details and we find you candidates but we can do so much more. Your HR department is overworked already and doing anything beyond posting a job ad can be extremely time consuming, that is where a recruiter can help. If you would like to start hiring Rockstar Technicians, Installers, and/or Fitters give us a call at 1-833-937-3546 or visit us at www.rockstarhvac.com.