Getting to the finish line with a tech and having them turn down an offer can be super frustrating. You went through the process, decided they would be a good fit and they rejected you. It is really easy to brush it off and say some sort of cliché like “it wasn’t meant to be” but that will never help you get better.
You need to have a look into why they said no. Below we will explore some of the most common reasons why offers get rejected.
- Reputation
- Hiring Process
- Stability/Hours
- Opportunity
- Compensation
Keep in mind, HVAC Techs, Installers, and Gas Fitters are in high demand. There are more jobs available than qualified technicians. An interview is your chance to sell the tech on why they want to work for you. They are interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them. Highlight why other techs like working for you. Get creative, stand out, techs have options and you have to show them that you are the right option for them.
If you are having a hard time finding technicians to offer a job to, we can help. Rockstar HVAC is your dedicated recruiter, focused on helping you find and hire the very best HVAC Technicians, Installers and HVAC Technicians. Visit us at or give us a call at 1-833- 937-3546 to learn more.
Technicians talk, if you have a bad reputation in the industry every tech knows about it. When they are meeting up at supply houses they talk and often exaggerate. Treat your techs right otherwise they will tell everyone that you don’t.
Also have a look at your online reviews, Glassdoor and Indeed are a place where ex-employees like to complain about their former employers. While there is not a lot you can do about this you can encourage your existing staff to leave positive reviews for you so that the negative ones are offset.
Hiring Process
If your hiring process takes too long you will lose techs. When a tech applies you need to line up the interview quickly and if the interview goes well move forward with an offer. Don’t put them through multiple unnecessary interviews, aptitude tests etc. The more hoops you have them jump through the better chance they choose to go elsewhere.
Be organized in your process, this is their opportunity to see who you are as a company. If they come in for a scheduled interview and you are not ready for them or distracted they will get the impression that you are a disorganized company and are likely to choose to go elsewhere.
Can you guarantee year-round work or are they going to get laid off during the shoulder season? Can you guarantee full-time hours?
These are some of the biggest things for a tech, no one wants to have to deal with constant layoffs. If you have a strategy for avoiding layoffs make sure you communicate that to the technicians. If you do not have a strategy it may be time to develop one. This could be offering discounted services to clients for off-peak seasons. The goal is not to make money off of techs during the off-peak season the goal is to break even off-peak and have them available when you need them during the busy months.
Is this just another tech job with another HVAC company or are there opportunities for career growth. Also, do you offer training, factory updates, etc. Anything that your company can offer is important to bring up, you need to stand out from the competition.
Even things like using an IPAD for paperwork, team lunches or anything else that you do that makes your company unique is important.
Also, have a look at what are the annoyances that a tech has to deal with in a day to day? Eliminate those and advertise that you are taking care of them. Make your company the place that techs want to work because they can focus on the job at hand as opposed to all the other stuff that comes with being a tech.
This is the big one, most HVAC jobs are pretty similar so if someone is going to get $5/hour more down the road why wouldn’t they go? Make sure your pay rate is at the very least competitive, if possible go above average or build in some nice efficiency bonuses or pay for performance bonuses that make the earning potential higher. There is more to a job than money but at the end of the day, people go to work to get paid. Especially if a tech is comparing two offers side by side, they are going to pick the one that pays the most/
I hope these tips help, don’t lose techs at the offer stage. If you are having a hard time finding technicians to interview we can help. Rockstar HVAC is your dedicated recruiting company specialized in finding HVAC Technicians, Installers and Gas Fitters for companies throughout Canada and the USA. We have had great success even with hard to fill roles and we work very quickly. Give us a call 1-833-937-3546 or check out our website at for more details.