Rockstar Recruiting Blog

Choosing a Recruiting Firm – Contingency vs. Retained

When you are working with a permanent placement agency or recruiting company you have 2 basic choices when it comes to fee structure. There is Contingency and Retained. At Rockstar Recruiting we...

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How Many Recruiting Firms Should I be Working With?

When onboarding a new client a common question I get is “are you exclusive?” Some recruiters get offended by this question but in my opinion it is a perfectly normal question. We are not in any sort...

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Niche vs. Generalist Recruiter – Which is Right For Your Company?

When selecting the recruiting company to trust with your hiring needs, the first thing you must decide is do you need a Generalist or Niche Recruiter. Both have their pros and cons and their...

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Duplicate Candidates: Understanding Your Recruiter's Practices

Why is My Recruiter Sending Me Candidates I Already Have?

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Signs You Need A Recruiter

I wish that every company needed to utilize a 3rd party recruiter for all of their searches but that just isn’t the case. Recruiters are a bit of a luxury service to be used when needed. Often times...

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When is Good, Good Enough – Recruiting

The problem with naming your Staffing Agency, Rockstar Recruiting, is the reality that you do not always need a Rockstar. It doesn’t matter if you call it a Purple Squirrel, Wizard, Unicorn,...

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Make Your Recruiter A Partner to Maximize Success

When you have a hard to fill position or an important role that you need filled quickly a recruiter can be your best solution. We always recommend using a niche recruiting firm, (for Rockstar...

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Master the Art of Selling Your Opportunity

HR You’ve Got to do a Better Job of Selling the Opportunity!

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Fascinating HVAC Fun Facts: Did You Know?

The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) industry is important to us all – residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Thanks to the creative inventions and discoveries of men...

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Recruiting Rockstars Ain’t Easy

Rockstar Recruiting has a knack for making recruiting look effortless. Our clients give us a call and tell us what they need (skill set, qualifications, wage range, certifications needed etc.) and...

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