Do You Use a Recruiter?

/ Career Advice / By Rockstar Recruiting
Do You Use a Recruiter?

Do you work with a recruiter? If yes, are you satisfied with their services? Check out our flowchart to find out how to make the most of a recruiter and maximize the benefits they can offer.

Dark Brown and Pink Decision Making Flowchart Infographic

If you’re using a recruiter and not seeing the results you want, first determine if they’re a generalist or a specialist. If they’re a generalist, you might want to hire a recruiter who focuses specifically on your industry. If they’re a specialist but you’re still unsatisfied, it may be time to find a different recruiter or reassess your job offer.

If you haven’t used a recruiter, consider why. If your previous experience was poor, reflect on whether the recruiter was a generalist or a specialist. If your HR team is already excelling in recruitment, you might not need additional help. However, if HR isn’t meeting your expectations, think about partnering with a recruiter. If cost is a concern, evaluate the return on investment or explore flexible pricing options, which we offer. Lastly, consider whether you can afford to leave the position unfilled.

At Rockstar Recruiting, we specialize in finding top talent for mechanics, HVAC technicians, plumbers, fire protection specialists, and millwrights. We’re here to help—contact us at 1-833-937-3546 or email

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Rockstar Recruiting is a Recruiting Firm that Specializes in Helping Companies find and Hire Mechanics, HVAC Technicians, Fire Protection Specialists, and Plumbers Throughout North America.

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Do You Use a Recruiter?