Who to Choose to Conduct the Interview

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Who to Choose to Conduct the Interview

Who Should Conduct Your Interviews? A Guide to Making the Right Choice

When it comes to conducting interviews, selecting the right person to lead the conversation is crucial. Surprisingly, this decision is often overlooked, yet it can significantly impact the quality of the interview and, ultimately, the success of your hiring process. The person conducting the interview is not just evaluating the candidate—they're also representing your company and the opportunity you're offering. Here's how to ensure you make the best choice.

Understanding the Role

The first step in selecting the right interviewer is to ensure they have a solid understanding of the job you're hiring for. This might seem obvious, but it's essential. The interviewer should be able to discuss the specifics of the role, the day-to-day responsibilities, and the challenges the candidate might face. This is especially important for technical positions, where the nuances of the job may not be fully understood by someone without direct experience.

For technical roles, consider involving a service manager or a team leader who can speak to the specific requirements of the job. Their insights can help assess whether the candidate truly has the skills needed for the role.

Selling the Organization

An often-overlooked aspect of the interview process is the need to sell your organization to the candidate. Remember, interviews are a two-way street. Just as you're evaluating whether the candidate is the right fit for the job, they're also deciding if your company is where they want to work.

Choosing an interviewer who can speak enthusiastically and knowledgeably about the company, its culture, and the benefits of working there is crucial. If the person conducting the interview is shy, reserved, or simply reading from a script, it can create a negative impression. Instead, you want someone who can engage the candidate in a meaningful conversation, highlighting why your company is a great place to work.

The Value of Multiple Interviewers

In many cases, it can be beneficial to have more than one person involved in the interview process. For example, having both a service manager and an HR manager present can offer a well-rounded perspective. The service manager can dive into the technical aspects of the role, while the HR manager ensures the interview is conducted properly, answers questions about benefits, and assesses cultural fit.

However, it's important to consider the dynamics of the interview team. If the typical senior-level interviewers are not the most outgoing or engaging, they might not be the best choice for creating a positive experience. Instead, consider involving a more charismatic lower-level HR representative or perhaps a lead hand technician who can better sell the opportunities within your company.

Making the Candidate Feel Welcome

One of the goals of any interview should be to leave the candidate with a positive impression of your company. Even if they aren't the right fit for the role, you want them to walk away thinking that your company is a great place to work. This means selecting interviewers who are personable, engaging, and able to create a welcoming environment.

Remember, the interview is often the candidate's first in-depth experience with your company. The way they are treated during this process can shape their perception of your organization. An interviewer who is genuinely interested in the candidate and can speak passionately about the role and the company will leave a lasting impression.


Choosing who will conduct your interviews is one of the most important decisions you can make in the hiring process. Ensure that the person or team you select has a deep understanding of the job, can effectively communicate the benefits of working for your company, and is capable of engaging the candidate in a positive and meaningful way.

At the end of the day, the goal is to find the right candidate for the role, but also to ensure that candidate feels excited about the possibility of joining your team. By carefully selecting the right interviewers, you can achieve both of these objectives and make the interview process a successful one. If you still have questions, feel free to give us a call at 1-833-937-3546.


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Who to Choose to Conduct the Interview