How Soon Should I Start Recruiting For Technicians?

/ Recruiting Help / By Rockstar Recruiting Group
How Soon Should I Start Recruiting For Technicians?

Timing can be crucial when it comes to hiring. Far too often we get calls from companies saying “I need to hire 3 mechanics and I need them to start yesterday!” Obviously they are exaggerating but it can be a real problem. Hiring, especially done right, takes time. If you want more tips and tricks from experts, check out our blogs.

Depending on your location and what you are offering it can take a lot of time just to find candidates, at Rockstar Recruiting we can typically provide candidates within 1 -2 weeks of taking on a search but that is just the start. Once a candidate is identified they have to go through your hiring process, even a quick hiring process involving 1 interview plus background checks will take 1-2 weeks. On top of that, the candidate you are hiring is likely currently working and needs to add 2 weeks of notice. We are always targeting a good hire that can ‘hit the ground running’ but even the very best is going to need at least a week of training/orientation before they are making a real impact.

If you decide today that you need to hire a Mechanic, HVAC Technician, Millwright or almost any type of position that is in high demand, you are looking at a minimum 5-7 weeks.

  • 1-2 Weeks To Find Candidates
  • 1-2 Weeks Interview Background Check
  • 2 Weeks – Notice period before they start
  • 1 Week Training and Orientation

All of this is also best-case scenario. That 1-2 weeks to find candidates can easily blow out to 3-9 weeks depending on location, supply and demand, company reputation, offer etc.

When you think you need to hire someone you are probably already a little late to the party, but you should get started ASAP. Once you start the process be ready to move fast. Maybe you budget yourself 2 months to hire and you get lucky and find someone on the first day of the search. Don’t delay, be prepared to move fast, you are much better off hiring someone before you desperately need them instead of dragging your feet and losing someone good because your hiring process takes too long.

One of the biggest reasons why companies lose out on candidates is because their hiring process takes too long. No one likes looking for a job and typically they want it over with as quickly as possible. Often the first offer is accepted. An old colleague’s mantra was “Time Kills Deals” and he wasn’t wrong. Push the process, to make sure you beat out your competition for top talent.

If you are hiring for Mechanics, HVAC Techs/Installers or Millwrights, you already know that the talent pool is shallow and there are lots of people fishing in it. Rockstar Recruiting can give you the advantage you need to hire the talent to take your business to the next level. Give us a call at 1-833-937-3546 to get started.

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Rockstar Recruiting

Rockstar Recruiting is a Recruiting Firm that Specializes in Helping Companies find and Hire Mechanics, HVAC Technicians, Fire Protection Specialists, and Plumbers Throughout North America.

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How Soon Should I Start Recruiting For Technicians?