Resume writing is a skill and necessary to get the best jobs. Even mechanics need resume skills, below we will walk you through best practices and give some examples of great resumes that can be used for Auto Mechanic, Diesel Mechanic or Heavy Equipment Mechanic jobs.
A very common thing I hear from Mechanics is “I don’t have a resume, I have never needed a resume for a mechanic job.” This might be true and even today you maybe don’t NEED a resume but you also don’t NEED to get a good job, you can settle for whatever companies are out there that don’t require a resume. If you want a job with a good company, particularly one with an HR Department you are going to need a resume but don’t worry, they are pretty simple to put together.
There is no one right way to make a resume, you can feel free to use a Microsoft template, they have some good ones but just make sure you fill it in all the way.
When choosing a format make sure you pick something simple that is easy to read. Your resume does not have to be a masterpiece, it just has to be good enough. If you were applying for a Graphic Designer position then yes spend a lot more time making it look pretty but as you are a mechanic you need a resume that is functional, stick to Contact Info, Employment History, Relevant Certification/Education and that is it.
Also, keep it to 2 pages or less, no recruiter has time to read any more than that. If you put too much information it just means that the important stuff is going to get buried with the unimportant stuff. Remember the job of the resume is to get you an interview, not to get you the job. Take it one step at a time and fill in the rest of the details at the interview.
Pretty straightforward but again gets overlooked. Ensure that all your contact information is there and it is accurate. I have had many candidates with a type-o on a phone number or e-mail address and that means they can’t be contacted and are not selected for the job. Make sure you include
- Name
- E-mail Address
- Phone Number
- Street Address (Recommended)
- Link to LinkedIn profile
Contact Info Mistakes
Having an unprofessional e-mail handle or voicemail greeting could be enough to cost you a job.
If you are looking for a job first impressions count and you are not always going to be available to answer the phone. You do not want a recruiter calling, getting your voicemail and it is some sort of a joke or inappropriate message. Keep it simple “Hi you have reached Dave, I can’t take your call right now, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.”
Lastly, if your e-mail address is something inappropriate, don’t use it for job seeking. If a potential employer is sending an e-mail to they are not going to have a great impression of you (even if they agree.) If your everyday e-mail address is something a little out there, go ahead and make a new e-mail address for job seeking, something simple like or something will work just fine. If you don’t want to have to check 2 e-mail addresses then you can also set up a forwarder.
If you are relocating for work, indicate that at the top. If you list your address as Hamilton, ON but are applying for jobs in Calgary you might get skipped thinking that you made a mistake applying to the wrong job. Instead clearly mark where you live and where you are relocating

Work History
This is the most important part of the resume, here it is important to keep a consistent format so that it is easy to read and make sure the reader knows what you did at each job. Also it can sometimes help to describe the company if it is not obvious. If the company is called North West Peterbilt then it is pretty obvious that it is a Peterbilt dealer but if you say work for Winslow-Gerolamy Motors not everyone will know what they do so list it as:
Make sure you include the name of the company, your job title there and accurate dates. If it was a job within the last 10 years you should try to include the start and end month if you remember it.
Next list of types of repairs you were responsible and the types of vehicles/equipment you worked on.

Be as specific as you can but no need to list absolutely everything. Make sure the big things are listed but don’t write about making coffee in the morning. Think about it like a highlight list, what is a prospective employer going to be interested in.
When listing off experience start with your most recent job and work your way backward. If you have been working in the trade for over 20 years there is no need to include everything, the last 10-15 years are sufficient.
If you are newer to the trade just list your relevant experience. I know it is tempting to want to put down other jobs so it looks like you have more experience but I promise adding that you worked at McDonalds during high school will not help your application.
List off any and all RELEVANT Training, Certification and Education you have completed. If it is not related to mechanics you can leave it off. Things to list:
- OEM/Factory Training
- Trade Certification
- Commercial Drivers License
- Related Trades i.e. Welding, Electrical etc.
- Safety Training
Hobbies and Interests?
No! No one cares about your hobbies, special interests etc. Keep your resume focused on your mechanic experience and training
I hope the above tips help, if you still need assistance or a second opinion on your resume you can send it in to Rockstar Mechanics and we will help you out at 1-833-937-3546. Or check out our other blogs on resume writings.