Top Tip for Recruiting Skilled Tradespeople: Listen, Understand, Hire

/ Recruiting Help / By Rockstar Recruiting
Top Tip for Recruiting Skilled Tradespeople: Listen, Understand, Hire

The most successful recruiters are better listeners than talkers. They have a knack for getting a candidate to open up and most importantly they listen. When you have a Mechanic, HVAC Technician, Millwright, or any other candidate speaking to you about a job, listening to what they say makes a huge difference in being able to hire them.

Far too many people treat the hiring process like a written-in-stone procedure. They ask the same questions for every interview (for good interview questions click here – Mechanics, HVAC, Millwrights), every candidate goes through the same steps and every successful candidate is presented with identical offer letters.

The problem is that not every candidate is the same, everyone is different, has different needs, and more importantly different motivations for looking for a new opportunity.

Most companies, if a candidate interviews really well and seems like a good fit they will go ahead and offer them a position at the top end of their range without actually figuring out if that is what they want/need. You may be offering more in salary than you need to when really what the candidate needs is benefits immediately or a flexible work schedule.

Recently we had a candidate who was more concerned with his weekly pay, not as concerned with his base pay. He ended up turning down an offer with a higher base rate and accepting a position that guaranteed a minimum number of overtime hours each week.

If you can turn your interviews into conversations as opposed to interrogations, you will get to know the person, and find out what they are actually looking for and what they need for a new opportunity. This way you can present them with an offer that addresses their needs not just what you think they need.

A recruiter can be very helpful with this, often a candidate will be a little more upfront and open with a recruiter than they are with a hiring manager. They don’t want to blow it in an interview and are naturally a little guarded but with a recruiter, they will often tell us exactly what they are looking for in terms of an offer, what else they have on the go, and how it all compares.

Lean on your recruiter to ensure the offer you move forward with is the one that will be accepted. Most candidates do not like the job searching process and especially hate negotiating an offer. Many companies will lowball a candidate expecting to negotiate only to be rejected or they don’t do a good job of presenting an offer to a candidate in a way that highlights how it will be a good fit for them. A good recruiter can help you put together a perfect offer that will address all of the candidate’s needs and be accepted.

If you need help finding top-level Mechanics, HVAC Professionals (Technicians, Installers, Dispatchers), Millwrights, Parts People or related Management Positions the Rockstar Recruiting Group is your best bet. We have helped 100’s of companies throughout North America hire for their hardest-to-fill positions. We work fast and provide guarantee backed results. Call us at 1-833-937-3546 or reach out at for more information.

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Rockstar Recruiting

Rockstar Recruiting is a Recruiting Firm that Specializes in Helping Companies find and Hire Mechanics, HVAC Technicians, Fire Protection Specialists, and Plumbers Throughout North America.

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Top Tip for Recruiting Skilled Tradespeople: Listen, Understand, Hire