5 Ways To Increase Employee Retention In Your Mechanic Shop

Good Mechanics are hard to find, ok that is a bit of an understatement. Hiring good mechanics is near impossible in some markets. Trust me, I have been recruiting mechanics for over 10 years and the...

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Recruiting Is Like An IceBerg

Almost every day I talk to someone who says something like “it is impossible to find good mechanics to hire.” When I hear this I always ask, “what are you currently doing to recruit mechanics?” The...

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How To Write Job Ads That Mechanics Actually Apply To

Recruiting Mechanics starts with writing a good job ad, right now there are over 75,000 Mechanic jobs posted on Indeed and I can guarantee there are not enough mechanics to go around. Your ad needs...

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Get Off The Fence and Hire That Mechanic … or Don’t

One of the most frustrating things in recruiting is when you lose a good candidate because the hiring process took too long. I always encourage all of my clients to streamline their process as much...

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What They Don’t Tell You in Trade School

Anyone who follows me knows that I love the Mechanic Trade. There are a ton of reasons for this including the job stability, high demand, above average pay rates but more than all of the logical and...

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Which Mechanic Should You Promote?

Promoting from within is usually the right call, it sends a message to your team that you value them and that there is room for growth within the company. You do need to be careful with who you...

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Become A Better Mechanic By Thinking Differently

I was speaking to a Journeyman Heavy Equipment Technician recently who passed on some sage-like advice, he said: “It’s not what you know, It’s how you think.” We were talking about an opportunity...

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Are You Getting Paid as Much as You Think You Are?

The vast majority of mechanics that call me looking for a new job are doing so because they want a raise. They figure they have gone as far as they can with the company they are with and want to see...

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Repair Your Shop Before You Replace Your Technicians

Before you hire any more mechanics, make sure your shop is a place where people want to work. If it isn’t, you will never stop looking for mechanics.

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Are Your Online Reviews Killing Your Recruiting Efforts?

Good mechanics that have a passion for the trade take their reputation very seriously. They refuse to sign off on unsafe work, don’t take shortcuts and make sure the job is done right the first time....

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