When to Hire Techs

/ Recruiting Help / By Rockstar Recruiting Group
When to Hire Techs

When Is the Right Time to Upgrade Your Team? The Answer Might Surprise You.

For many mechanic shop owners, the idea of upgrading your team when business is slow seems counterintuitive. After all, adding new staff during a downturn can feel risky and expensive. However, this is often the perfect time to make strategic changes to your team that can benefit your shop in the long run.

Why Slow Periods Are the Best Time to Make Changes

When your shop is busy, it’s difficult to let go of underperforming employees—you need all hands on deck. However, this often leads to keeping team members who may not be contributing to the level of quality and efficiency you desire. When things slow down, it's easier to step back and assess your team’s strengths and weaknesses. This is your opportunity to replace underperformers with skilled technicians who can elevate your shop’s capabilities and customer service.

The Power of Proactive Recruitment

In recruitment, you should always be looking for talent. Proactive recruitment is key to continuously improving your team. This doesn’t mean you need to be hiring all the time, but you should always be open to bringing new people on board if they’re the right fit.

Especially in a mechanic shop, a great technician can be a game-changer. Not only can an experienced mechanic bring in business with their reputation, but they can also increase the range of services your shop offers, improve professionalism, and breathe new life into a team that’s grown complacent.

Slow Times Mean More Available Talent

One of the advantages of hiring during slow periods is that you might have access to top talent that isn’t normally available. If other shops are also experiencing a downturn, skilled mechanics who aren’t getting full-time hours might be open to making a move—especially if you can guarantee steady work.

Timing Is Everything

Most shops experience natural cycles of busy and slow periods. In our experience, March and August tend to be slower months for many shops, but this can vary. Take a look at your historical data to identify when your slow periods are, and plan your hiring strategy accordingly.

How We Can Help

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, Rockstar Mechanics can assist with proactive recruiting. We work with many clients to ensure they never miss out on top talent. Whether you’re looking to replace an underperforming team member or simply want to be ready when the perfect candidate comes along, we’ve got you covered.

Upgrading your team when business is slow might seem counterintuitive, but it’s often the best time to make strategic changes that can lead to long-term success. Don’t wait until you’re too busy to make a move—start planning your next upgrade today.

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Rockstar Mechanics

Rockstar Mechanics is a Recruiting Firm that Specializes in Helping Companies find and Hire Mechanics Throughout North America.

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When to Hire Techs